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Model Reference

Geospacial model objects


Bases: Model

Position in a 2D latitude / longitude space

latitude instance-attribute

Latitude of the point

longitude instance-attribute

Longitude of the point


Bases: Position2D

Position in a 3D latitude / longitude / elevation space

elevation instance-attribute

Elevation of the point

latitude instance-attribute

Latitude of the point

longitude instance-attribute

Longitude of the point


Bases: Model

Collection of elevation related metrics

downhill instance-attribute

Downhill elevation in m

slopes instance-attribute

Slopes between points in a uphill/downhill section

uphill instance-attribute

Upill elevation in m


Bases: Model

Collection of metrics for a Segment

avg_velocity instance-attribute

Average velocity in the segment in m/s (only considering velocities below the XX percentile)

avg_velocity_kmh = Field(default=None) class-attribute instance-attribute

avg_speed converted the km/h

downhill_elevation instance-attribute

Elevation traveled downhill in m

max_elevation instance-attribute

Maximum elevation in the segment in m

max_velocity instance-attribute

Maximum velocity in the segment in m/s (only considering velocities below the XX percentile)

max_velocity_kmh = Field(default=None) class-attribute instance-attribute

max_velocity converted the km/h

min_elevation instance-attribute

Minimum elevation in the segment in m

moving_distance instance-attribute

Moving distance (point-to-point distance with velocity below a threshold) in m

moving_distance_km = Field(default=-1) class-attribute instance-attribute

moving_distance converted the km

moving_time_seconds instance-attribute

Moving time of a segment

total_distance instance-attribute

Total distance of the segment in m

total_distance_km = Field(default=-1) class-attribute instance-attribute

total_distance converted the km

total_time_seconds instance-attribute

Total time of the segment

uphill_elevation instance-attribute

Elevation traveled uphill in m


Bases: Model

Represent the overlap between two segments

end_idx instance-attribute

Index of the last point in match segment

end_point instance-attribute

Last point matching the base segment

inverse instance-attribute

Match direction of the segment relative to the base

overlap instance-attribute

Overlap ratio of the segments

plate instance-attribute

2D representation of the segment overlap

start_idx instance-attribute

Index of the first point in match segment

start_point instance-attribute

First point matching the base segment


Bases: Model

Represents a distance calculati on to a point in a GPX track.

distance instance-attribute

The distance to the nearest point.

point instance-attribute

The nearest point on the track.

point_idx_abs instance-attribute

The absolute index of the nearest point in the track.

segment_idx instance-attribute

The index of the segment containing the nearest point.

segment_point_idx instance-attribute

The index of the nearest point within the containing segment.

Other model objects


Bases: Model

Represents a zone interval. Start or end can be None implying and interval that include all value smaller or larger than the provided value, respectively


Type Description

If start and end are None

color = None class-attribute instance-attribute

Optional color of the interval

end instance-attribute

Upper bound of the interval

name = None class-attribute instance-attribute

Optional name of the interval

start instance-attribute

Lower bound of the interval


Bases: Model

Represents a collection of zones. The list of intervals is required to contain open ZoneIntervals in the fist and last position. Furthermore the intervals can not have gaps.


Type Description

If not at least two intervals are provided in the object


If some intervals have a name attached but not all (or none)


If some intervals have a color attached but not all (or none)


If first interval has a start value not equal to None


If last interval has a end value not equal to None


If consecutive intervals to not end/start with the same value

intervals instance-attribute

A list of intervals comprising the collection of zones

meta_info = None class-attribute instance-attribute

Optional meta information about the zones