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Command line interface

Not all dependencies for the command line interface utilities are not installed by default. Please use the cli extra during installation.


Enhance elevation data in a gpx file FILENAME using the Enahncer APIs provided in this package. Additional keyword-arguments for the Enhancers can be passed as key-value-pairs with = sizes. E.g. dataset=eudem25m for the OpenTopoElevationEnhancer.




  --enhancer [OpenTopoElevation|OpenElevation]
                                  Specify the enhancer type to be used to make
                                  the requests.  [required]
  --url TEXT                      URL of the API. Should be the full url
                                  including port if necessary. Example:
                                  http://localhost:8080/  [required]
  --postfix TEXT                  String that will be appended to the output
                                  file.  [default: enhanced_elevation]
  -v, --verbose                   Set the verbosity level of the script.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


Extract the track information for FILENAME file in fit format and save to regular gpx file


extract-fit-track [OPTIONS] FILENAME


  --name TEXT   Optinally set the Name property in the output file
  --email TEXT  Optinally set the eMail property in the output file
  --help        Show this message and exit.