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Elevation enhancement

Updating or adding elevation data to a Track can be accomplished by using the classes implementing the ElevationEnhancer API. This might be desirable for various reasons like:

  • No elevation data was recorded
  • The recorded elevation is data is inaccurate
  • Elevation data should be synced between different Tracks

Currently two interfaces for web-based REST API's are supported:

Depending on the API that should be used, settings are defined when initializing the object. See the specific documentation of the relevant objects and API's. When using the public (free) API's set as default in the objects, rate or similar restrictions may apply.

A enhancer can be used like this:

enhancer = ElevationEnhancer()

my_track = GPXFileTrack(gpx_file="...")

enhancer.enhance_track(track=my_track.track, inplace=True)

See examples/ for a more detailed example.

The author of this package recommends using a self hosted OpenTopoData API via a docker containers with a open source EU-DEM dataset for europe.