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To use Geo-Track-Analyzer, first install it using pip:

pip install geo-track-analyzer

Installing the package with cli extra, I.e. using pip install geo-track-analyzer[cli], add utility tools. See the Command line interfaces page for details.

Analyze geospacial tracks

The focus of this package lies on analyzing and visualizing tracks of cycling or similar activities. Depending on the usecase settings like stopped_speed_threshold or max_speed_percentile may not be appropriate.

Initialize a track

Tracks my be initialized from .gpx and .fit files using the GPXFileTrack and FITTrack object, respectively.

Furhtermore the Track can be initialized programmatically from python objects inside your code using

        points: list[tuple[float, float]] = ...,
        elevations: None | list[float] = ...,
        times: None | list[datetime] = ...,
        heartrate: None | list[int] = None,
        cadence: None | list[int] = None,
        power: None | list[int] = None,


When intiliazing a track, zones for heartrate, power, and cadence can be set and are used for further analysis of a track. For this defined the zones via the Zones object:

        ZoneInterval(start=None, end=135),
        ZoneInterval(start=135, end=146),
        ZoneInterval(start=146, end=155),
        ZoneInterval(start=155, end=165),
        ZoneInterval(start=165, end=169),
        ZoneInterval(start=169, end=174),
        ZoneInterval(start=174, end=None),

Each ZoneInterval can also be defined with a name and a color attribute for further customization. For the interval definition, it is enforced

  • that the first (last) interval starts (ends) with a None value and
  • that consecutive intervals end/start with the same value.

Extracting track data

The data of the track can be extracted into a pandas DataFrame object with the columns:

  • latitude: Track point latitude value
  • longitude: Track point longitude value
  • elevation: Track point elevation value
  • speed: Speed in m/s calculated relative to previous point. Requires time to be present in track.
  • distance: Distance in m relative to previous point
  • heartrate: Heartrate in bpm (if present in input)
  • cadence: Cadence in rmp(if present in input)
  • power: Power in W (if present in input)
  • time: Time in seconds relative to previous point. Time must be present in track.
  • cum_time: Cummulated time of the track/segment in seconds. Requires time to be present in track.
  • cum_time_moving: Cummulated moving time of the track/segment in seconds. Requires time to be present in track.
  • cum_distance: Cummulated distance in track/segement in meters.
  • cum_distance_moving: Cummulated moving distance in track/segement in meters.
  • cum_distance_stopped: Cummulated stopped distance in track/segement in meters.
  • moving: Bool flag specifing if the stopped_speed_threshold was exceeded for the point.

Because some values are relative to previous points, the first point in the segment is not represented in this dataframe.

Furthermore an summary of the segments and tracks can be generated in the form of a SegmentOverview containing:

  • Time in seconds (moving and totoal)
  • Distance in meters and km (moving and totoal)
  • Maximum and average velocity in m/s and km/h
  • Maximum and minimum elevation in meters
  • Uphill and downhill elevation in meters

Visualizing the track

Visualizations of a track can be generated via the Track.plot method via the kind parameter. Additionally the track data can be extracted with the Track.get_track_data or Track.get_segment_data methods and using the functions described in the Profiles and Maps and Summaries.