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Track visualization - Summaries

Segment summaries

If multiple segments are included in a track, summaries per segments can be generated. Passing kind="segment_summary" in Track.plot will benerate bar charts with a aggregate value that must be passed as additional keyword agrument. Internally this will call the plot_segment_summary function. See the api documentation for all options that can be passed.

Currently the folloing aggregation metrics are supported:

  • Passing aggregate="avg_speed" o generate a plot with the average velocity in a segment:
  • Passing aggregate="max_speed" o generate a plot with the maximum velocity in segment

Passing aggregate="total_distance" o generate a plot with the total distance covered in segment

  • Passing aggregate="total_time" o generate a plot with the total time spend in segment

Box plots

Box plots are a way to visualize how data is distributed in a given sample. If multiple segments are included in a track, such box plots can be generated by passing kind="segment_box" in Track.plot and one of the metrics "heartrate", "power", "cadence", "speed", "elevation" with the metric keyword. Internally this will call the plot_segment_box_summary function. See the api documentation for all options that can be passed.

Zone summaries

When defining Zones for heartrate, cadence, or power, visualizations summarizing some metric per zone are provided.

Zones for the whole track

Using kind="zone_summary" in Track.plot will generate a figure bar representing an aggregate value for a metric=heartrate|cadence|power. Internally this will call the plot_track_zones function. See the api documentation for all options that can be passed.

Currently the following aggregation metrics are supported:

  • Passing aggregate="time" to generate a plot with the total time spent in a zone of the passed metric:
  • Passing aggregate="distance" in to generate a plot with the total distance covered in a zone of the passed metric:
  • Passing aggregate="speed" to generate a plot with the average velocity covered in a zone of the passed metric:
  • The same data can also be visualized as a Pie Chart by passing as_pie_chart=True

Zones per segement

Additionally the some aggregation metrics can be split per segment in a track by passing kind="segment_zone_summary". Internally this will call the plot_segment_zones function. See the api documentation for all options that can be passed.

Errors will be raised

An VisualizationSetupError is passed if aggregate and metric keyword-argument pairs are not passed to the plot method for kinds "zone_summary" and "segment_zone_summary"